Head Movement Special Part 2 – Partnerwork
After diving deep into the head movement solo technique we now want to focus on how to lead and follow head movements in a clear, safe and beautiful manner. This workshop will give the basics of HM partnerwork and is designed for our regular training group 2 and/or participants of the HM special part 1.
Maximum 8 couples / 16 participants
Date: 05.02.2024
Time: 18:00 – 20:00; please arrive at least 15 minutes earlier.
Location: Seminarraum, Haus auf der Mauer
Price: €15 (Payment: cash at the workshop)
Book your spot below!
Only your name and email address are required for registration; the phone number is not necessary.
Your Zouk Jena Teachers Team https://zouk-jena.de/ueber-uns/#teachers
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