Zouk Jena Logo

About the Association - Zouk Jena e.V.

Become a member

  • Zouk Jena e.V. is a non-profit association, which is supported and made possible by the voluntary commitment of many people.

Besides the voluntary engagement you can support our association by your membership.

  • Normal (full) members benefit through their membership additionally from the free participation in a training group (weekly training) and have voting rights at the annual general meeting.
  • Sustaining members support the association through their donation of any amount (no membership fee). They do not have voting rights at the annual membership meeting and do not participate in a training group for free.

Membership can be easily applied for via our contact form (see below).
Membership can be cancelled just as easily at the end of the year.

The membership fee of 10€/month is to be paid in advance as an annual fee (120 €), usually in January. If membership begins within a year, only a pro-rated membership must be paid for the first year, rounded up to full months, e.g.:
Registration in the association on July 11; July to December equals 6 months = 60 €.

Details about membership can be found in our statutes (in german) and our membership fee regulations (in german).

If you have any questions about the club, membership or anything else, please feel free to send us an email or just ask us directly at our dances.

Sofern Sie die im Kontaktformular eingegebenen Daten durch Drücken auf den „Abschicken“-Button an uns übersenden, erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass wir Ihre Angaben für die Beantwortung Ihrer Kontaktaufnahme bzw. Anfrage verarbeiten. Sie können Ihre erteilte Einwilligung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen und der weiteren Verarbeitung widersprechen. Im Falle des Widerrufs werden Ihre Daten umgehend gelöscht. Ihre Daten werden ansonsten gelöscht, wenn wir Ihre Anfrage bearbeitet haben oder der Zweck der Speicherung entfallen ist, es sei denn wir sind aus gesetzlichen Gründen zu einer weiteren Speicherung verpflichtet. Eine Weitergabe an Dritte findet nicht statt, es sei denn geltende Vorschriften rechtfertigen oder verpflichten uns zu einer Übertragung. Sie können sich jederzeit über die zu Ihrer Person gespeicherten Daten informieren. Weitere Informationen zum Datenschutz finden Sie auch in der Datenschutzerklärung dieser Webseite.

Board - Zouk Jena e.V.


Chairwoman of the board


Vice Chairman of the board



Local Teachers & Teacher Assistants

We are a team of dance instructures based in Jena. We are locking forward to welcome you in one of our dance classes!

Community Care Team

Don’t hesitate to contact us!


Member Community Care Team


Member Community Care Team

Community Guidelines

Take care of yourself!

  • Respect your physical and emotional boundaries! You decide how, with whom, and how long you want to dance.
  • It’s completely okay to decline a dance.
  • Take care of your body, warm up before socials or parties.
  • Pay attention to your personal hygiene so that you feel comfortable in your own body.
  • We don’t want any danceplaining – remind your dance partner if necessary!
  • If you want feedback, feel free to ask your dance partner or the teachers team.
  • Speak up for yourself if you feel uncomfortable! Reach out to the Community Care Team in case of need.
  • Expressing negative effects of dancing on your body and own safety, such as pain, is not danceplaining.

Respect your dance partner!

  • Respect their physical and emotional boundaries! Pay attention to signals and ask if you’re unsure!
  • Adjust your dance to the abilities and physical conditions of your dance partner!
  • Pay attention to your personal hygiene so that your dance partner feels comfortable as well.
  • No danceplaining! Don’t give unsolicited advice – it can be very uncomfortable!

Contribute to a welcoming culture!

  • Socials should be a place where you can feel safe and comfortable.
  • Make newcomers in the community feel welcome!
  • Not everyone feels comfortable in a close dance position – be mindful, especially while dancing with new people.

Give a try!

  • It’s not about everything being perfect. “Mistakes” can be fun and are a good opportunity for personal development.
  • Break out – feel free to step out of your role and give new impulses to the dance.

Supporting Photographers & Videographers

Hannes Friese

Coming soon!

Coming soon!